
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

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Find out the latest news from Norton and West Chinnock Schools.


Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Thank you everyone who joined us for the Easter Service on Wednesday.  Children sang beautifully with a special performance from the choir.  Well done to our Year 6 read...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

At Norton school, we encourage and support our children to be ‘courageous advocates’. This means they champion causes which are special and meaningful to them.  T...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Pupils in Year 5 and 6 took part in a live online careers event on Friday on Zoom. They learnt about careers in the maritime industry. They met and asked questions to a Naval Arch...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

It was a week to celebrate our love of reading at Norton school with Book Week which culminated in World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March. Events included the bake off, ‘rock ...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

It was brilliant to see Class 2 enjoying a trip to the Tutankhamun Museum in Dorchester. I look forward to speaking with them about this experience and seeing it inspire their lea...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Welcome back to school this Shrove Tuesday.  There’s lots to look forward to this half-term with Book Week, sporting events, new curriculum topics, the Easter serv...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

A huge well done to the cross country running team who, on a chilly February evening, tackled the long course at Yeovil showground. A fantastic result for our Year 2 & 3 girls...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly Update

You will see that there are quite a few dates coming up including the cross country on Wednesday at the Yeovil Showground.  A heads up to the U10 footballers that Mr Caswell ...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

The team that took part in the football tournament at Bucklers Mead last Tuesday faced some strong and well organised opposition.  The players showed improvement throughout t...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

In assembly this week, we drew inspiration from a story about Robert the Bruce and the spider.  Pupils thought about their aspirational goals and how to keep going - to try a...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Hamdon Hoot Christmas 2022

Welcome to the first edition of the Hamdon Hoot for this academic year. The articles are all written by the students of Norton School; they love to share what they have been doing...
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