
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 16th Oct 2023

Weekly Update

We ended last week with the Friends of Norton School (FONS) Disco which is always a popular event with pupils.  I was impressed by the outfits as well as the rhythmical dancing and bopping to the beats!  A huge thank you to the FONS for organising and to parents and staff for helping on the night. 

Earlier in the week, Willow class were thinking and exploring the world we live in.  Pupils have learnt about oceans and seas and the different weather, environment and animals around the world.

In Birch class, pupils have been using a sorting technique called Diamond Nine to prioritise and justify decisions as they ranked the influence of figures from History.  It seems Emmeline Pankhurst was a popular first choice for many with Neil Armstrong and Rosa Parks also contenders!

Hazel class have been sifting through archaeological evidence to discover about the lives of people in the past and the fascinating find of the Amesbury Archer not far from Stone Henge.

Meanwhile Rowan class continue to learn about Britain at War inspired by their class novel ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’.

A reminder that the School Photographer will no longer be coming in on Thursday 19th October.  Instead photographs will take place on Monday 30th October in the afternoon.  Pupils should come to school in school uniform that day (even if they normally have PE).

This Friday is a non-school uniform day.  Please bring a donation (suggested £1) to help raise valuable funds for the FONS.

Wishing you all a good week.  Mr Caswell

Weekly Update

Category: Norton