
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence


The PFA would like to say a huge thank you for all your support.  Despite being in lockdown for a significant period of time, we still raised over £1,800 last academic year, which is a fantastic achievement for such a small school.

Monies Well Spent

Of particular note, our efforts last year included seeing the new castle play structure installed, funding transport for some school trips earlier in the year and then funding the redecoration of the classrooms.  And what a difference that has made to the school environment!

We also can’t skip pass the library which is now completed - our special village school has gone through quite a transformation!

AGM & New Committee

The PFA held its Annual General Meeting on 23rd September.  If you would like to be involved in the PFA, we have a great team, get to enjoy a glass of wine over virtual meetings and implement some fantastic things for school.  We would LOVE to hear from you – come and join the fun! If you don’t see anyone on the school run to ask, please email westchinnockpfa@gmail.com.

Thank you for all your continued support – it makes West Chinnock Primary School a very special school to be a part of.

Link to the PFA Facebook Page