
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

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Find out the latest news from Norton and West Chinnock Schools.


West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

This week marks the end of another busy and productive year at West Chinnock School.  The end of the school year is always a time of mixed emotions as we celebrate successes ...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

We look back to the fabulous day out on the West Somerset Railway and look forward to the Sports Day and Sports Social on Wednesday.  Thank You to the PFA for your generosity...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

The Moving Up Service in Wells last Wednesday was an important event for our Year 6 as they gathered with hundreds of other primary school leavers from across the diocese in the C...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

This Friday (21st June) at 2.30pm, please join Mrs Jaggard and Mr Caswell at school for a parent consultation session on Behaviour. We will be presenting our new policy and l...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

This week we commemorate 80 years since the D-Day landings.  King Charles spoke of his “profound sense of gratitude” to those that stepped up at that critical tim...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

With this week’s announcement that The General Election is set for the 4th July, there is no doubt that the children will have lots of questions to ask in the coming weeks.&...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

At the end of last week, we celebrated Yeovil Town’s National League South Trophy as part of their tour of all local primary schools and emphasise the importance of Yeovil T...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

I was pleased to see West Chinnock’s young horticulturalists planting potatoes in the raised beds this week.  Pupils and staff are looking forward to an outdoor learnin...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Firstly, thank you for waiting until Friday for the update.  I am aiming to do the update at the end of the week to reflect on the week and look ahead to the next. Thank...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

A very warm welcome back to school for the Summer Term.  I hope you have had a peaceful and restful Easter and pupils are excited about the weeks ahead. We were joined a...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

It has started to feel more spring-like over the last week with some dry spells.  Let’s hope the sunshine continues this week as there is lots in store including outdoo...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Last week in classes Acorn Class pupils explored the Easter Story starting with Palm Sunday.  I was impressed to see Reception pupils thinking about the signs of spring as in...
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