
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

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Find out the latest news from Norton and West Chinnock Schools.


West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Last week was an opportunity to celebrate story-telling and books.  On Wednesday, Junior pupils and staff enjoyed the Norton Village Pantomine Puss in Boots.  It was a f...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

The 29th February 2024 was a leap year day.  As this only comes around every four years, our Year R, 1 and 2 pupils filled up a time capsule including measurements of themsel...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

I am delighted to inform you that this week on Friday 1st March West Chinnock becomes part of the Bath and Wells Trust family of schools.  On this day the school will be...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

A very warm welcome back to school.  I hope you have all had a restful half-term and pupils come back refreshed and ready to learn. Thank you to everyone for your kindne...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

I have been truly impressed today by the pupils’ calmness as West Chinnock transitioned to Norton school for the week. Thank you to staff for their adaptability and to every...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

This Friday we look forward to a non-uniform day.  Please bring a cash donation to help raise extra funds for the PFA.  The West Chinnock cake raffle happens each Friday...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.  You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe. T...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.&...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Following our recent SIAMS inspection at West Chinnock, we are thrilled that the report speaks positively about our school saying ‘this Church school is making rapid progres...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

 I would like to begin by wishing you all a safe, happy and successful 2024.  The coming months promise much for West Chinnock pupils.  As we throw ourselves back i...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

 A huge thank you to the PFA for organising the Christmas event on Friday and to special guest Father Christmas.  There were some delicious treats on offer and thank you...
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West Chinnock News

Weekly Update

Last Friday, we welcomed Mr Mangles to lead our collective worship.  He explained the symbolism of the Christingle and everyone joined in with a special song.  All pupil...
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