
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 30th Oct 2023

Weekly Update

Welcome back to school to pupils, parents, staff and volunteers.  There is lots to look forward to between now and Christmas starting today with a visit from Carymoor Environmental Trust where, through assembly and workshops, younger pupils will be finding out about food waste and our juniors will be learning about plastic pollution.  Also today, the photographer is in school to take individual and siblings photos. If you would like a sibling photo, please come to the hall after school.

Next Wednesday is parents’ evening.  Please look out for the sign-up letter which will be issued today.

On Sunday 12th November older pupils will be representing the school at the Remembrance Service on Ham Hill.

You may be aware that the school is due to join the Bath and Wells Multi-Academy Trust in the near future with the target date for conversion 1st December 2023.  We continue to work alongside the Trust and Local Authority this term on school development such as strengthening the implementation of the changes we have made to the curriculum.

On the next pages, please see photos from some of the action-packed learning in that pupils have been doing last half-term.

Finally, please see attached the thank you letter from the Lord’s Larder Food Bank in Yeovil for the generous donations received at the Harvest Festival.  These donations will go to those who are hungry and in need in our local area. Well done Norton on donating 168 food items - thank you!

Wishing you all a good week. 

Mr Caswell

Weekly Update


Category: Norton