
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

In assembly this week, we drew inspiration from a story about Robert the Bruce and the spider.  Pupils thought about their aspirational goals and how to keep going - to try a...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Hamdon Hoot Christmas 2022

Welcome to the first edition of the Hamdon Hoot for this academic year. The articles are all written by the students of Norton School; they love to share what they have been doing...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Hamdon Hoot Issue 6

Please click on the link below to see the latest edition of the Norton Pupil Newspaper The Hamdon Hoot! Hamdon Hoot Issue 6
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Hamdon Hoot Issue 3

Please click on the link below to see our Earth Week Special Edition of the Hamdon Hoot as we work towards our application to become a Green Flag Eco-School. Hamdon Hoo...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Hamdon Hoot Issue 2

Welcome to the second issue of the Hamdon Hoot, news from pupils at Norton Sub Hamdon Primary School (February and March 2022).  We hope that you enjoy reading about the...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Hamdon Hoot Issue 1

Welcome to the first issue of the Hamdon Hoot, news from pupils at Norton Sub Hamdon Primary School (January and February 2022).  We hope that you enjoy reading about the thi...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Harvest Service

We are looking forward to celebrating Harvest this year.  The children have been enjoying practicing their readings and songs in preparation for our service to say thanks.&nb...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Welcome back to school

Welcome back to the new school year after what we hope has been an enjoyable summer break for you and your family. September is always an exciting time in school as we plan for th...
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