
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

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Find out the latest news from Norton and West Chinnock Schools.


Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Our little Willows have been exploring maps and thinking about the place where we live. In Birch class, children have been learning about significant individuals as part of their ...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Willow class enjoyed their first school lunches this week and this week start full time!  Tapestry is now up and running so hopefully parents are enjoying seeing what the chi...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

It was wonderful to see our youngest and newest pupils enjoy playing with our brand new early years equipment last week. In the heat, the water play apparatus was a big hit for pu...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Congratulations to our fantastic Class 3 and 4 thespians who put on a fabulous performance last week. They assumed the roles of pirates, sailors, rats, monkeys (and more) to tell t...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

There are some important events this week to look forward to. Firstly, we welcome teacher trainee students from Switzerland.  They have a two week placement with us - wo...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

As a school community we are revising and updating our curriculum vision ahead of the new academic year to make sure we stay relevant for our pupils. Please help&nbs...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

To remember the five British Values we use a hand with each finger representing a different value.  Individual Liberty, this half-term’s focus is all about the freedom ...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Welcome back to school for a new half-term.  Hopefully children have enjoyed a restful few days making the most of the sunny weather and time off school to recharge their bat...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

As the wonderful warmer weather arrives please remember the importance of sun cream, sun hat and a labelled drink’s bottle. Thank you for all the feedback and suggestio...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

A huge well done last week to our Year 6 pupils, staff and parents.  With SATs making the news this year, pupils can be really proud of the way they approached the tests show...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

We hope you enjoyed a restful Bank Holiday weekend and were able to witness the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla. What a monumental occasion full of pageantry and ...
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Norton Sub Hamdon News

Weekly update

Pupils enjoyed enriching experiences out of school last week.  This started with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra concert for Years 1 and 2 on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, ...
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