
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 11th Mar 2024

Weekly Update

Last week was an opportunity to celebrate story-telling and books.  On Wednesday, Junior pupils and staff enjoyed the Norton Village Pantomine Puss in Boots.  It was a fun-filled performance and we are extremely grateful to the Norton Pantomine Committee for this special event for our schools.  Then on Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day.  I was so impressed with the fantastic and creative costumes and the opportunity to learn about great books old and new.

How fitting that pupils in Willow Class enjoyed the story Handa’s surprise by Eileen Brown which is filled with wonderful descriptions of fruit and some cheeky animals!  In Birch Class, in their unit on Digital Wellbeing, pupils have been learning about risks online and what to do to stay safe.  Hazel Class have moved their focus from rivers to mountains as they learn about the formation of the five different mountain types.  In Rowan Class, pupils have been considering life after abolition of slavery and that even though slavery had been made illegal, it continued in many countries.

We look forward next Monday to the parents’ afternoon/evening.  Please do make sure that you have an appointment to speak with your child’s classteacher.

This Friday it’s Comic Relief.  Children are invited to wear red clothes (non-school uniform) that day donation for Comic Relief.  Pupils are welcome to bring in a red nose from home that day.

Finally, please see the poster advertising the Easter Competitions; making bonnets and/or gardens.

Have a successful week.  Mr Caswell

Norton Parent Update 11.03.2024

Norton's Easter Competition

Category: Norton


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