Released On 4th Feb 2025
Parent Update
Last week, Willow class enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and the year of the snake! We read the zodiac story and children have been recreating the story themselves with animal figures.
We also explored how the Chinese New Year is celebrated and Willow class were particularly impressed by the Lion and Dragon dances! There have been a variety of craft activities linked to the Chinese New Year including making and decorating paper lanterns and snakes. Some of these you can see on our classroom window.
Please note the upcoming dates which includes an information evening for Year 5 & 6 (and their parents) on Wednesday 5th February at 6.00pm. The rearranged date for coffee/catch up, which will now be held at school, is Wednesday 5th March. Parents are welcome to attend after dropping children off in the morning.
Have a good week. Mr Caswell
Category: Norton