
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 10th May 2024

Weekly Update

A good news story this week from the Norton Fiesta!  After taking part in the Teddy Bear Parachute Jump, I am delighted to report that Georgia’s parachuting Tiger was rescued from the magnolia tree in Norton Churchyard and treated at the First Aid Station.

Norton pupils were praised by organisers of the Fiesta.  Firstly, for the group of singers who, led by Mr Kenward and Miss Wilcock, sang acapella and with gusto in the morning.  In the afternoon on Friday, pupils behaved impeccably as they looked at the displays in the church.  The Fiesta provided a worthwhile way to engage pupils with the community, make the most of and celebrate what is on our doorstep in our beautiful village.

Rev Nick and Rev Colette led Collective Worship this week building on our termly value Compassion and told the story of Ascension when, forty days after Easter, Jesus ascended to heaven.  Again, some great singing all round!

In classes, Reception have enjoyed the story of Little Red and the Hungry Lion (a twist on Little Red Riding Hood) while Birch have impressed with their knowledge and understanding of maps and the use of a key.  Hazel Class have been planning myths about gods and goddesses drawing inspiration from their topic emperors and empires.  Pupils in Rowan have enjoyed getting outside and finally making the most of our field for PE.

With the sunny weather, please remember the importance of sun cream, sun hat and a labelled drinks bottle before your child comes to school in this hot weather.  Most sun creams give an 8-hour protection so once applied at home in the morning they should give protection for the whole school day. However, if required, children can bring in their sun cream to reapply independently.     

Have a good weekend.  I hope you enjoy the May sunshine!  

Mr Caswell  

Weekly Update


Category: Norton