Released On 18th Mar 2024
Weekly Update
Last week in classes Willow Class pupils explored the Easter Story starting with Palm Sunday. They have also been thinking about the signs of spring as inspiration for poetry. In Birch Class, pupils continued their work on instruction writing learning how to use imperative verbs to give commands. They look forward this week to their day as Victorians on their trip to Tiverton Museum. In Hazel Class, Mrs Merrett and I were so impressed by the creative homework designs as pupils explain contour lines in three dimensions linked to the class’s ongoing project on Mountains. Meanwhile, in Rowan Class pupils have been thinking about the inherited characteristics are passed on through DNA.
The Eco-committee have re-launched the battery recycling project, but we haven't had many batteries. They can accept AAA, AA, C and D batteries, there's a box in the library that the eco-committee made. Please do bring in your batteries for recycling.
It looks set to be eventful couple of weeks in the lead up to Easter including the trip to Tiverton for Years 1 and 2, the team of netballers playing at Sherborne Prep-School on Wednesday, FONS Easter event on Friday, the end of term awards celebration on Monday 25th (now at 2.50pm) and the Easter Service at 2pm on Wednesday 27th.
Finally, there is another week and a half to take part in the Easter Competitions; making bonnets and/or gardens. We are looking forward to seeing the children’s creations!
Have a successful week. Mr Caswell
Category: Norton