Released On 4th Mar 2024
Weekly Update
The 29th February 2024 was a leap year day. As this only comes around every four years, our Year R, 1 and 2 pupils filled up a time capsule including measurements of themselves. The capsule will be opened on the next leap year day, 29th February 2028!
Then on the 1st March, St David’s Day, we celebrated our first day as Norton Sub Hamdon Church School as we joined the Bath and Wells Academy. This was marked by an assembly attended by pupils, staff, governors, parents and a representative from the Trust central team. Pupils were excited to receive our Trust Bear (pictured), which each of the 42 schools in the Trust have.
The week before last, Willow Class enjoyed their first visit to Carymoor Environmental Centre in a fun-packed day of activities based around The Three Little Pigs. The yet to be named Trust Bear will attend school events and trips and is looking forward to going to Tiverton Museum as Birch Class pupils go back in time to experience life as Victorian children for their History project School Days. Geographers in Hazel Class, enjoyed a field trip to the River Parrott to see river features in real-life. They have become avid followers of the river levels which are updated online. Historians in Rowan Class have been learning about life after the abolition of slavery and the global African diaspora.
Thank you to the FONS who organised a successful Disco on Friday. Keep an eye on the upcoming dates below. There is lots happening over the next couple of weeks leading up to Easter. This week we have SATs info session, Cross Country, Panto and World Book Day.
Have a successful week. Mr Caswell
Category: Norton