
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 8th Jul 2024

Weekly Update

We look back to the fabulous day out on the West Somerset Railway and look forward to the Sports Day and Sports Social on Wednesday.  Thank You to the PFA for your generosity in funding the trip and organisation in running the Sports Social.  Please see the next page for some quotes from our pupils about last week’s experience which they loved!

Please keep an eye out this week for some important communications about the development of our new Behaviour Policy, a local ICT training opportunity for parents/children and plans for an upcoming filming project! 

Here’s what Acorn Class had to say about the trip last week…

“My favourite was the ice cream because it was very tasty”- Thea

“My favourite bit was the train because it was relaxing”- Evie

“My favourite part was the boat museum because I went in a boat” - Rose

“I liked seeing the boats because they were quite interesting” - Scarlett

“My favourite part was when we were in the train and all the steam came past the windows” - Iyla

“I liked the play park because it had a spinny thing that I went on after lunch” – Gabriel


And here are some ‘thank yous’ from pupils in Oak Class…

“Thanks for the trip we went on. I loved it and I think everyone did, also the boat museum and having ice cream” - Seth

“I would like to say thank you for the school trip to Watchet. I really liked going on the train and having a very big ice cream!” - Callum

“Thank you pfa, the thing I enjoyed most about the school trip was the art gallery and the lovely paintings there” - Charlie B

“Thank you for the school trip, I loved going on the train and eating the ice cream” - Jacob

“Thank you PFA, the best part of the trip was the boat museum” - Charlie C


Have a great week.  Mr Caswell


Parent Update 08.07.2024

Category: West Chinnock


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