
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 18th Mar 2024

Weekly Update

Last week in classes Acorn Class pupils explored the Easter Story starting with Palm Sunday.  I was impressed to see Reception pupils thinking about the signs of spring as inspiration for some excellent poetry.  Year 1 and 2 pupils continued their work on instruction writing learning how to use imperative verbs to give commands.  They look forward this week to their day as Victorians on their trip to Tiverton Museum.  Linked to their project on Maafa, Oak Class Pupils have been looking at the work and learning about the life of British painter Chris Ofili who was the first black artist to win the Turner Prize.  There was Comic Relief themed fun on Friday as a group of Year 3 & 6 pupils attempted Mr Naughton’s horizontal climbing challenge which due to weather conditions had to happen this year inside the classroom.

It was good to see so many people at the parents’ afternoon/evening.  If you were unable to attend on the day, please do get in touch and we will arrange an appointment.

It looks set to be an eventful couple of weeks in the lead up to Easter including the trip to Tiverton for Years 1 and 2, the team of netballers playing at Sherborne Prep-School on Wednesday, PFA Easter event and the end of term awards celebration on Tuesday 26th and the Easter Service at 2pm on Thursday 28th which will be followed by bonnet parade and hot cross buns in the church afterschool.

Finally, there is another week and a half to take part in the Easter Competitions; making bonnets and/or gardens.  We are looking forward to seeing the children’s creations!

Have a successful week.  Mr Caswell


Category: West Chinnock