
Norton & West Chinnock Schools

Learning Together for Excellence

Weekly Update

Released On 20th Nov 2023

Weekly Update

Well done to the school community for raising money and awareness for Children in Need and Odd Socks Day last week.  It is great to see West Chinnock’s compassion, understanding and celebration of difference.  On Friday, during our collective worship, pupils from Year 5 and 6 led with presentations about what these events mean to them.  I was impressed with their thoughtfulness, knowledge and speaking skills as well as how quickly they used IT to present their ideas colourfully.

This week sees the launch of the Snow Globe Competition (see attached poster for more information) as well as the FONS film night on Friday.

In all classes, pupils have started work on the sticky business of building papier mâché lanterns.  This is a project which will last a few weeks and will hopefully be quite a spectacle when complete.

A highlight last week was seeing the smiles on the faces of our Seedlings (year R) pupils dressed in full waterproofs and life jackets as they paddled the Kayak.  All this imagination, play and discovery inspired by Quentin Blake’s story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels.

This week, sees the second parent coffee morning of the year which will I will host in the church on Wednesday 22nd November from 9.00-10.00am.  Please do pop in for a coffee or tea, biscuit and a chat.

Wishing you all a good week,  Mr Caswell

Weekly Update

Category: West Chinnock